It’s not about being the loudest in the room. It’s not about beating people over the head with your message. It’s not even about flooding social media with funky hashtags and glamorous 30-second ads.
Connecting in a world full of noise is about slowing down and going the extra mile.
Making a call instead of firing off an email. Writing a letter instead of texting. Meeting up for brunch and leaving your smartphone in your pocket the whole time.
Being in the same room with people and looking them in the eye while talking to them, not just mumbling absent-mindedly while you tap furiously on your phone.
Connecting in a world full of noise is about unplugging and resting your brain.
Taking a social media hiatus and focusing on your relationships in real time. Shutting out the noise so you can hear yourself think as you create. Accepting that you’ll miss out on some stuff and it’s okay. Making time for your hobbies and refilling your well.
You don’t have to burn down all your social media.
You don’t have to smash your smartphone to bits.
You don’t have to pledge to be offline forever and ever, amen.
You just have to get intentional about your time online and stop falling down the rabbit hole of mindless, endless browsing.
Get comfortable taking hour-long breaks from your phone. You don’t have to stay on top of every little thing as it happens.
When you’re intentional about your time online, you spend fewer hours comparing your life to your friends or the people you follow.
You learn to enhance your life experience, stop spending endless hours in constant entertainment, and pour all that time into nurturing your real-life relationships, projects, and art.
You spend more time making things and less time consuming fluff that doesn’t grow your soul.
You slow down enough to live your life without walking around wrapped up in the haze of online noise and activity.
Connect in a world full of noise.
Get intentional.
Dive deep into living fully off the screen and racking up beautiful memories.
Your more fulfilling life is waiting.
Good one Otiti , the rewards of ‘intentional online habits, are truly high .
Thank you, Mummy. I appreciate you.
Yes, they are. We just have to make room for them so we can enjoy more robust, vibrant lives offline.