You’re screaming into the void.
Day in, day out, pounding on the wall of air blocking you from your dream results.
Throat raw, knuckles bloody, heart weary.
What now?
Go deep, not wide.
Maybe you need to reframe your expectations.
Don’t try to reach 1,000 people who don’t care about you anyway. Focus on connecting with one person who can’t get enough of you and wants what you’ve got.
Don’t try to fill your online course overnight with whoever you can get. Stroke the heart of that one woman who needs your help like yesterday and is willing to invest in herself, show up, and do the work.
Don’t try to sell out your new thing in 24 hours or die trying. Focus on offering one business owner the opportunity to solve an urgent problem and enjoy the relief of your elegant solution.
Small is intimate. Small is real. Small is deep. Small is beautiful.
Focusing on going deep with one person makes your words clearer, sharper, and more potent. You’re not diluting yourself to appeal to the masses, but showing up in your most concentrated form and attracting your Dream Clients looking for your brand of spectacular.
If you’re frustrated, broke, or spinning in a vortex of loathing because your new thing flopped, you’re not alone.
Step away from your laptop for a few hours or a full day if you can swing it. Talk to someone who loves you. Get a bear hug or two. Jam your favourite tunes and dance it out.
Come back when you’re refreshed, hopeful, and determined to find another way.
Maybe you need to beam out personalised emails to your Dream Clients and ask for their feedback.
What went wrong? How can you fix it? What do they need, and how can you deliver it? More importantly, can you deliver it?
Maybe you need to redo your sales page.
Do you fully understand what you’re selling, who you’re selling it to, and why you’re the right fit for her? Can you tear it down, rebuild it, and get the sales because your words are bright, vivid, and alive?
Maybe you’re talking to the wrong crowd.
Are you willing to get out in front of fresh eyes and hearts? Can you mine your network for help and intros? Are there live events you can go to and share your special sauce with other people?
When you stop fretting and start doing, you create momentum that sweeps aside apathy, self-loathing, and every other gremlin that shows up to dim your shine.
You buckle down and focus on what you can do instead of what you should do. (see the difference?)
Does that mean you shouldn’t dream big or aim high as you create and execute?
Absolutely not.
But it does mean being willing to start small and go deep as you live out your dreams one idea, one step, one launch at a time.
It does mean being grateful for your pool of Dream Clients and loving up on every single woman like the Queen she is.
It does mean accepting that small is beautiful and you have the rare opportunity to know everyone you serve on a first-name basis. How cool is that?
You’re not in the game to compare yourself to anybody or burn time wishing for bigger, better, flashier right now so you can feel great about yourself.
You’re in the game to spread love, joy, and beauty everywhere you go, in everything you do, with everyone you meet.
You’re in the game to show up, give 1,000%, and solve urgent problems for your Dream Clients.
You’re in the game to serve others, not serve yourself or stroke your ego.
Will you fall short? Yes. You’re human.
Will you miss the mark? Yes. You’re imperfect.
Will you make a difference? YES. You’re incredible.
Will you excel, delight, and enchant? Yaaaaassssss, honey! You’re a rock star creative and you got this!
Are you seeing the pattern?
You’ll have highs, lows, and everything in between, so don’t burn your precious time and energy sobbing into your latte or flagellating yourself for everything going wrong and not doing anything about it.
Roll your neck. Square your shoulders. Lift your head and stand tall.
Everything is solvable. Own that.
Small is beautiful. And so are you.
Go supernova.
Snap up your VIP pass to The Superstar Creative Backstage for writers, creatives, and dreamers. Get rocket fuel for your genius and light up your world.
Well said, Otiti! Applause, applause!!
Thank yooouuuu, Momma!