Life is about a series of invitations.
The invitation of the enemy leads to imprisonment. The invitation of the Lord leads to impartation.
Obedience is an invitation to increase. The invitations you accept determine the culture you live by. The key to increase and dominion in the Kingdom is your ability to recognise whose invitations you’re accepting and why.
When the Lord asks you to obey Him, He’s inviting you to be like Him, to follow His standards of holiness, love, and justice (Leviticus 19:1-2). That invitation unlocks increase in your fruitfulness, authority, and creativity if you accept, not before. You have to say yes to God to experience the fulness of God (Deuteronomy 28:1-14).
When the enemy tempts you to obey him, he’s deceiving you into thinking that you’re being more like yourself when you’re really being more like him. Every temptation is an invitation to bondage, torment, and heartbreak if you accept it. The bait always looks glossier than the reality of the trap behind it (Proverbs 7:6-23).
Life is about invitations. If you want to change your life, you need to change the invitations you accept. To do that, you must look at your mind, because it all begins in the mind.
Your thoughts are powerful enough to change your destiny, so what are you thinking, and where is it coming from?
Each thought is an invitation to uphold or adhere to a certain culture. Kingdom culture is brimming with light, truth, love, and life. As a child of God, every thought you accept as true ought to overflow with all those things. If it doesn’t, you need another look at the source. Philippians 4:8 is very clear about the things we ought to meditate on, which means we must be intentional about fixing our minds on things that’re true, noble, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous, and praiseworthy (NKJV).
Your words invite certain outcomes to manifest in your reality (Proverbs 18:21). If you want to live in the increase and authority that are your rightful inheritance, then you must think and speak the Word of God, not the lies of the enemy.
Walking in dominion demands a mind built on the Word, meaning the Word is built into you. When you’re constantly repeating the Word in your thoughts and speaking from that overflow, you’re creating the reality that God ordained for you (Joshua 1:8; Genesis 1:26-28).
You can partner with the Lord through obedience to experience what He has to offer, or you can partner with the enemy through disobedience to experience what he has to offer. One brings life and the other brings death, but you must choose, and you choose every moment whom you will follow (Joshua 24:14-15).
Your choices reflect the patterns at play in your life. Those patterns are built on invitations and the consequences or rewards of partnering with them. What you allow is what continues.
What you allow is what continues.
Any negative or demonic pattern can be broken at any time, just like any positive or godly pattern can be established at any time. The key is to be aware of what’s at play and which invitation(s) started it. We have free will to choose which codes we live by, and by His grace, we no longer have to accept bondage that seems baked into who we are, because it isn’t. The Blood of Jesus breaks every pattern and every chain, no matter how insurmountable they seem.
My challenge to you today is this: Refuse to settle.
Refuse to settle for captivity. Refuse to settle for mediocrity. Refuse to settle for complacency, stasis, poverty, and gossip. Refuse to settle for any form of death or poverty when Jesus came “that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” (John 10:10 NKJV).
Stand up and fight. Fight for your mind. Fight for your increase, your breakthrough, and your destiny. Fight for what the Lord promised you, and push back at every opposition you face until it breaks.
A friend once told me that the enemy has to bow to the Word of God, and it’s stayed with me since. The Word and the Blood of Jesus are your mighty weapons (2 Corinthinans 10:4-5; Revelation 12:11). Force the enemy to bow to the Blood and the Word.
You already have the victory (Colossians 2:14-15; Romans 8:37). You must seize it to live it, and that day is today.
The time is now.
This is really good
Thank you, Aimee. It’s an honour to get to share it on here ๐ He’s faithful!
Yeah Otiti, this is so powerfully true…..
“What you allow is what continues”
God bless you ๐ โค๏ธ ๐ โฅ๏ธ
My Mama! Hi! ๐ Thank you for reading. Thank you, I receive the blessings ๐๐พ
Thank you so much Otiti- this is powerful. Indeed, he whom the Son sets free is free indeed.
You’re welcome, Auntie Aidevo! Thank you for reading! ๐ค Yes, and we shall know the truth, and the truth shall set us free ๐ช๐พ
You said it right, Otiti! The mind is the battle field. You are your thoughts! If you can control what goes in there, then you’d be able to control your life!
The Word of God is the sword of the Spirit, our weapon of warfare!
Great job!
Auntie ‘Lande!!! Thank you so much! ๐ค๐ค So lovely to see you here. Here’s to us being better stewards of our minds and the invitations we accept ๐