Facing the past is an act of freedom. Releasing the past is an act of courage. Embracing the new is an act of love, trust, and gratitude. You can’t really evolve past what you used to know until you accept what’s waiting for you beyond your comfort zone.
You release the past so you can make room for the new. If you accept that what’s ahead is greater than what’s behind, then you know that daring to dream, love, and trust again is where the growth happens. You need to grow beyond your past before you transcend your past.
You need to grow beyond your past before you transcend your past.
But it’s not so easy to live out, is it? Leaving behind familiar people, places, and positions shakes even the best of us, so what do we do? Take it to the Lord and ask Him to help us.
I once got an acronym on what it means to RELEASE something or someone to the Lord. It helped put things in perspective and renewed my hope that I’d see brighter days again.
Nothing dramatic shifted overnight, but my heart started healing, and the Lord showed Himself faithful.
I believe He’s ready to do the same for you today.
Right: Give Him the right to do what He wants with that person, desire, or dream. His thoughts toward you are good, and if He allows them to leave, He has better in store for you (Jeremiah 29:11).
Expectation: Allow Him to reframe your expectation of what could or should have been. The Lord sees and knows more than you could ever comprehend or imagine (Romans 11:33-36). Can you trust Him to take the broken pieces and give you “beauty for ashes” anyway? (Isaiah 61:3a NKJV).
Love: Let your love for Him be bigger than your love for that person or thing. We often think we need an explanation or some form of closure, but really we just need to know His love and compassion in a deeper way (Psalm 145:8-9, 14, 18).
Encourage: Allow Him to encourage you as you go through the transition. Growth takes time, and you need courage as you grow, heal, and adjust.
The Father is waiting to pour out His comfort and mercy when you come to Him (2 Corinthians 1:3-4).
Advance: Advance beyond the shock or pain. Today is a new day, and every moment is an opportunity to get closer to His good and perfect will for you. Don’t allow the pain of the past keep you from the glory of the future.
Don’t allow the pain of the past keep you from the glory of the future.
Sanctify: Allow Him to sanctify you. The Refiner’s fire comes to purge the hidden dross in us and purify our faith (Malachi 3:2-4; 1 Peter 1:6-9). Loss and pain are never pretty in the moment, but they yield something beautiful in the end.
The Lord is faithful to never waste a moment of affliction that’s surrendered to Him.
Ennoble: Did you know that the word ennoble means “to make noble, honourable, or excellent; dignify; exalt”? (Dictionary.com).
Allowing the Lord to ennoble you is allowing Him to make you noble and give you a heart that’s more like Him. The glory of enduring trial is the beauty of becoming more like Jesus.
The glory of enduring trial is the beauty of becoming more like Jesus.
The Lord invites us to RELEASE our past to Him because He’s faithful to heal every disappointment and restore us again. Life may not look or feel like we dreamed, but by His grace, it can still be vibrant and fulfilling when we live in today, not yesterday.
If you’re struggling to move on from the past, I pray that the Father’s love comforts you and fills you.
I pray that you receive fresh vision and courage to press forward with vigour and strength.
I pray that your God-given dreams and relationships have room to flourish and bless others.
And I pray that every season of trial yields something precious and beautiful in the end, in Jesus’s name. Amen.
Thank you Otiti!
I love this best…..
‘Don’t allow the pain of the past keep you from the glory of the future.’
God bless you. 🤗🤗🤗