I think we struggle to forgive because it doesn’t look like how we want it to look or feel like how we want it to feel. It doesn’t seem fair, so we conclude that it isn’t fair. It doesn’t seem right, so we assume that it isn’t right.
But there are laws that govern the spirit realm, and those laws are black and white. If you refuse to forgive, you get sick. If you choose to forgive, you get healthy. Every decision for or against forgiveness is a decision for or against your health.
Forgiveness isn’t just about obedience to God’s Word and will; it’s also about proximity to His heart. You can’t forgive someone else until you encounter God’s love for them. You can’t forgive yourself until you encounter His love for you. And you can’t make the sacrifice to forgive until you desire His heart more than you desire your vengeance.
People will hurt you. People will hurt me. And we’ll hurt others as well, because we all deal with the flesh, and we all live in a broken world. But each of us can choose to forgive those who hurt us, to bless them and pray for them, and even to love them because the Bible tells us to (Matthew 5:43-48; Colossians 3:12-14).
When you forgive, you walk out of the prison that the devil is trying to lock you in. You allow the Lord to purge your heart of the poison, and you choose freedom over bondage. Forgiveness fills your heart with the light of God’s Word, and the enemy cannot dwell or hide comfortably in a heart full of light (Luke 11:34-36; Ephesians 4:17-18).
Yes, it’s hard to forgive. Yes, your heart cries out for justice. But God is infinitely just, and He has said, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord” (Romans 12:19b NKJV). Be willing to trust that, and let Him handle it in His own time, in His way, and in His will.
Forgive to flourish. Because the bondage of hatred isn’t worth it.
Hi Otiti, this is so true!
To truly forgive is hard, but like you said, …’ When you forgive, you walk out of the prison that the devil is trying to lock you in.
I remember reading this anonymous quote a while ago…..’To forgive is to set the prisoner free, only to discover that the prisoner was you.’
So, a nice way to start the new year as a free person would be to forgive ALL. 🙌
Many hugs 🥰🥰 and God’s blessings in the New Year!! 🙏
Happy New Year, Mama! Amen to the blessings!
Yes, this is the perfect time to forgive and live in the present, not in the past. 🙂