Even if you missed every workout this week.
Even if you couldn’t get out of bed this morning.
Even if you binged on Netflix (again!) instead of working on your dream project.
Even if you said or did something you wish you could take back.
You are enough.
Even if other people don’t see it or say it.
Even if you’re struggling to love yourself.
Even if you feel like you’ll never be joyful again.
You are enough.
Even if you’re not where you want to be yet.
Even if your job, your city, or your circle shreds your soul.
Even if it feels impossible to evolve.
You. Are. Enough.
Because you’re a beautiful human being with a beating heart.
Because you matter.
Because your spirit blooms in who you’re being, not what you’re doing and how well you’re doing it.
You are enough because you don’t have to prove your worth to yourself or anyone else.
You don’t have to jump through burning hoops for love, approval, or affection.
You don’t have to erase your boundaries and values just so you can feel like you finally belong.
You’re gonna learn that you’re not perfect and you can’t be “on” all the time.
You’re gonna grapple with disappointment and frustration when life doesn’t go your way.
And yet, even then, you will still be enough.
Because your soul is bigger than your performance, your circumstances, and your experiences with other people.
Because God made you precious, brilliant, and distinctive.
Because you did not come here to wallow in the pit of self-loathing and perfectionism.
So square your shoulders, look life in the eye, and refuse to back down from the challenges that seem insurmountable.
Every day you’re growing into more of who you need to be, and you can’t rush it.
Give yourself permission to show up fully each day and let that be enough.
There’ll always be more to do. There’ll always be a reason to put yourself down for dropping the ball or missing your shot.
You’re not perfect, and you’re not meant to be, so stop measuring your value and self-worth by your performance.
If you’re kicking yourself because you’re slacking off, use that energy to upgrade your habits.
Drink more water. Make more art. Love harder.
But don’t bury yourself in shame because you think you suck and there’s nothing you can do about it.
This is your moment to leave the past where it is and begin again.
This is your moment to grow a healthier relationship with yourself and the people around you.
This is your moment to thrive.
Because you are a beautiful, brilliant being, and you are enough.
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